
The cheatsheets below make it easy to use MixWILD for various purposes. From time to time, we will add new cheatsheets. Thank you!

Please check the Data Import Cheatsheet first. This tells you how to load your data properly into MixWILD. The Stage 1 MELS Cheatsheet and the Stage 1 MEMLS Cheatsheet are the next Cheatsheet you might want to know, and they show you the fundamental ways to build a Stage 1 model in MixWILD. If you encounter any issues or want to modify the settings, please see the Troubleshooting Cheatsheet and the Stage 1 Options Cheatsheet. Last, the Two-Stage Model Approach Cheatsheet can provide you the neccessary information for the advanced statistical approach which combines a Stage 1 model with a subsequent Stage 2 model together.

We also create a MixWILD User’s Guide which should cover more details that you may be interested in. Please check it if you would like to explore more about the method and software. Thanks!


Data Import Cheatsheet

This cheatsheet will introduce you how to load the data correctly as well as show you the settings of the Model Configuration in MixWILD.


Stage 1 MELS Cheatsheet

This cheatsheet will guide you how to build a mixed-effects location scale (MELS) model. The MELS model is an extended multilevel model that includes a random subject intercept and a random subject scale effect. A random subject intercept reflects a subject’s mean (or location), and a random subject scale reflects a subject’s variability (or scale), respectively.


Stage 1 MEMLS Cheatsheet

This cheatsheet will guide you how to build a mixed-effects multiple location scale (MEMLS) model. The MEMLS model augments the MELS model by including multiple subject-level random location effects in the Mean model (i.e., both random intercept and slope(s)). The model still allows for the WS variance submodel, as well as random scale effect.

Troubleshooting Cheatsheet

Creating and running models in MixWILD could be tricky. You may encounter any kind of issues, including data format issues, data loading failure, and model misspecification. This cheatsheet will make your life easier to help you figure out the issue by yourself. We generated some common issues that users may run into. Please check it and hope it helpful!


Stage 1 Options Cheatsheet

This cheatsheet provides the details of the options in MixWILD. These settings are all OPTIONAL. In most cases, you don’t need to make any change in these settings. However, in some cases, the program does not converge to a solution. Trying to change these parameters (i.e., Quadrature Points or Ridge) could help.


Two-Stage Model Approach Cheatsheet

This cheatsheet guides you how to build a 2-stage aprroach model. MixWILD combines a Stage 1 mixed-effects location-scale (MELS) or mixed-effects multiple location scale (MEMLS) model with a subsequent Stage 2 regression in which the Stage 1 random effects are used as regressors in the Stage 2 model. Stage 2 outcome can be a subject-level or 2-level outcome.The stage outcome can be of four different outcome types: continuous (normal), dichotomous/ordinal, count, or nominal.


MixWILD User’s Guide

This User’s Guide provides a comprehensive information about mixed-effects location scale models as well as the software. Please check it if you are interested in. Thanks.

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